We now live in a “post-Christian” America. The Judeo-Christian ethic no longer guides our social institutions and the Bible has ceased to be a common base of moral authority for judging whether something is right or wrong.

In its place, our Western culture has substituted a redefinition of “tolerance” and “pluralism” to mean that any variety of beliefs, lifestyles, and values is equally valid, resulting in the elimination of absolute truth. Our resulting present moral relativism is fueling an epidemic of abortions, sexual identity confusion, drug use and abuse, and suicides.

Probe Ministries have noted this change in their 2020 survey of Evangelical Christian beliefs (ages 18-39). In that poll, questions were asked of those who self-identified as born-again. The response to one question in this survey showed that over 60% of born-again Christians believe that Jesus is not the only way to Heaven.                

Today I would like to address the question: Is Jesus Christ the only way to Heaven and God? Not only do we need to be confirmed in our own belief, but we also need to be ready to make a defense to everyone who asks us (I Peter 3:15).

Why is Jesus Christ the only way to God?

The following considerations are a good starting point in supporting the belief that Jesus Christ the only way to God.  The first is that Jesus Christ was God in the flesh. He Himself said so (John 8:24, 58), as did His followers (John 1:1, 20:28; Hebrews 1:8; etc.). He was the only man to be God, and this was the only time God became a man.  This too distinguishes Him from Buddha, Mohammed, and all other religious men.  Being God in the flesh, He alone is the perfect revelation of God (Hebrews 1:3).  

The second reason to affirm that Jesus Christ is the only way to God is that Jesus Christ was a perfect man.  He was the only human being ever to go through life without ever once sinning.  That separates Him from all other people, including the so-called “great religious leaders.” Hebrews 4:15 says, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.”

Furthermore, since Jesus, the Son of God, never sinned, He is the only one qualified to act as a sacrifice and fulfill God’s plan to save us from our sins. 1 John 2:2 says, “He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.” Jesus is unique because He died as our substitute: “Christ died for our sins” (I Cor. 15:3). None of us can pay our debt to God, even by death and Hell. But, Jesus paid our debt for us by dying on the cross and suffering the wrath of God in our place.

Finally, Jesus Christ the only way to God because he is the only man to have conquered death forever. Hebrews 2:14-15 says, “Since the children have flesh and blood, he (Christ) too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.” Jesus is the only religious leader to exactly predict his death and resurrection and to fulfill his prediction. “Jesus’ resurrection proved his victory over death and demonstrated that he was the Son of God with power. (Romans 1:4)

The good news is that God does have one way of salvation.  He has given us a bridge whereby we can know Him.  Jesus Christ is that bridge.  Are Christians dogmatic to say that Jesus is the only way to God?  Yes.  We are dogmatic because God is dogmatic.  Why do we believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to God?  Because God says so.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Paul wrote in I Timothy 2:5, “There is one God and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus.” “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).

Faith in Christ is the only way to be saved because it is only by faith in Christ that we can be counted righteous in God’s sight (Galatians 2:16), be reconciled to God (Romans 5:9-11), and receive eternal life (John 3:16).

Have you found the only way to God and Heaven? If not, repent of your sins and trust in Christ today. It is a matter of life and death!


