Have you ever noticed how many times the Bible talks about fear? There is a fear of the Lord, which is the source of wisdom and knowledge—a fear that reflects a holy reverence for who God is. There is also a fear of the world—a fear of going hungry, not having the things we need, of making a mistake, of danger, etc. This is a fear that we are not to entertain in our lives, for it ruins our witness. The reason we need not fear any of these things is because we have a God in heaven who is sovereign and all-powerful and who loves us with a love that is unconditional. The pagans do not have a God who will do for them what our God does for us.

In the context of Luke 12, beginning with verse 22, Jesus is telling his disciples not to spend time worrying about what they will eat or wear. Jesus notes that the pagans worry about these things. He assures them God knows they need them, and he says if they seek his kingdom, all those other things will be provided.

Luke 12:32 says, “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.” First, note that we are like sheep--not too bright, mostly helpless, and lacking direction. Second, Jesus is our Shepherd. Third, God is our Father, and we are part of his family. Fourth, our Father is good and generous and it makes him happy to give us his kingdom. Finally, if our Father, has a kingdom to give, he must be a King. We aren’t nobodies—our Father gives us the kingdom!

The kingdom the Father is pleased to give us is the very same kingdom he told us to pray about in the Lord’s Prayer when he said, “Thy kingdom come” (Matthew 6:10, Luke 11:2) It’s the same kingdom he talked about with Pontius Pilate when he said, “My kingdom is not of this world…” (John 18:36). The kingdom of God is the way he rules in people’s hearts when they hear his Word, take it to heart, and live their lives guided by his commands and empowered by his Spirit. This is the kingdom. No fear or force; instead, love and grace.

We're often focused on this world and ensuring ourselves a good life here. But when all our needs are met by God, in bestowing upon us his Kingdom, we can afford to be generous. We are no longer grasping at life and holding onto our possessions for dear life. We can look around us and be concerned about others' needs. If we have extra possessions, we can sell them and give to the poor. That may not make earthly sense, but it makes heavenly sense, and -- Jesus says, this is how you accumulate treasure in heaven. You aren’t worthless—you have treasure in heaven “where no thief comes near nor moth destroys.” (Luke 12:33b)

If someone were to look at your life, what do you think they would say you value or treasure the most? Do you want more of a heart for the things of God? Do you want a heart for missions? The answer is easy. Then invest some time and money in it, and your heart will follow. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Luke 12:34)

If you desire to support Summer mission trips to Ukraine and/or Romania and other mission opportunities, please click here.


