It is my belief that God is constantly speaking to us through his Word, his Spirit, other believers, circumstances, and sometimes even through angels, dreams and visions.
Hearing God’s voice is not only for a select few. It isn’t only for the “super” Christian or for those who spend all day meditating and praying. We as believers hear God’s voice first and foremost because he wants to speak to us. We only hear God’s voice by his grace alone.
God speaks warning, encouragement, and correction, reminding us continually of his never-ending forgiveness and love. He tells us who we are and shares with us the blessings that are ours as his child. He gives us gentle instructions for living the abundant life.
So, if God is continually speaking and desires to lead and bless us, why do so many Christians claim they never hear from God? God is speaking a fresh word every day to all who will hear; but many cannot hear it because their hearts are growing hard. In Hebrews 4:7 we read, TODAY IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE, DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS . . .
Here are some ways that we can harden our hearts:
Harboring unconfessed and undealt with sin
Not pausing enough to hear the still small voice of God
A poor self-image that doesn’t think God want to speak with us
Rejecting God’s Word and God’s messengers
You see every day, in our hearts, many voices are crying out, all of them pretending to be the very voice of God. If you trust any of these voices without testing them all by God’s Word, you will be led astray.
There is the voice of our flesh that wants us to do our will rather than God’s will. There is the voice of our enemy who deceives us so that we forget he wants to “steal, kill, and destroy us” (John 10:10). Then there is the voice of the world that calls us to conform to the ungodly culture of our day (1 John 2:15-16). All these voices come to us as sweet and gentle, promising us, “This is God speaking!”
So, what safeguards can we use for hearing correctly the voice of God. First, God’s voice will always bring you closer to Jesus, humble you, and expose sin in your life. The apostle John heard his voice and said, When I saw Him I fell at His feet like a dead man (Revelation 1:17).
God’s voice almost always accompanies his presence which will overwhelm you and fill you with joy. David said, In Your presence is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11).
Finally, God’s voice will always be confirmed and consistent with his Word. Dr. David W. Pao said, “The Word is the foundation upon which all acts of hearing are grounded, the criterion through which all such acts are to be judged, and the guide by which all such acts are to be appropriated.” May God grant us the ability to hear his voice, through whatever channel, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and in obedience to that voice, we will grow to be more like Jesus!