FOR THE LOVE OF CHILDREN's primary mission is to bring the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ to adults and children in impoverished areas of Argentina through providing medical health examinations and treatments. Financial support is the only means by which we can purchase the needed basic medical supplies.
Most rural living conditions find families living in huts with and without roofs, no electric, sewer, and health care. Generally, their drinking water is provided from unsafe creeks and rivers.
FOR THE LOVE OF CHILDREN’S secondary mission is to educate the adults and children on personal hygiene; how to grow basic fruits and vegetables for a food source; provide basic school supplies to elementary school aged children. And to teach basic first aid skills.
Your donations and financial support are the means by which we can purchase adult and children bibles, personal hygiene items, vegetables and fruit seeds along with basic gardening tools, school supplies; note books, crayons, folders pencils, pen sharpers, markers, rulers and basic first aid supplies to leave with the families.
Micah 6:8 The Lord has told you what is good, and this is what He requires of you; do to what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
Matthew 9:37-38 He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields”.
Upcoming Mission Trip
Mission Argentina Indigenous Villages, April 1-6, 2025
Pueblo Mbya, specifically the villages of Comunidad De Santa Ana, Comunidad De Bompland and Comunidad De Martires.
This mission seeks to provide basic medical health examinations and treatments to adults and children; education on personal hygiene; how to grow basic fruits and vegetables for a food source; to provide the needed basic school supplies to children between the ages of 5 to 11.
If you would like to contribute, use the 'Donate' button above and indicate “FOR THE LOVE OF CHILDREN” in the comments section.
If you are interested in joining us, please email me at; giovanna16b@gmail.com
If you are unable to donate or come along with us, your prayers for safe travels and sharing of the Gospel, are greatly appreciated!
About Yovana
I am a pediatrician of 37 years, recently retired, who has been doing medical missions for over 10 years with different organizations, including my church.
In September 2024, I joined ABWE and did a mission trip to the North part of Argentina. The goal was to visit indigenous villages of that part of the country, through medical attention and take the good news of Jesus to them.
Even though I am from Argentina, I was shocked by the poverty and lack of basic needs that these indigenous people are encountering every day.
I have been asking God, for some time, where and what he wanted me to focus on and it was clear that this is my mission field. I need not to look any more.
There is a pastor, Robert and his wife Cristy Dehner, that runs a small 15 member church called Inglesia Cristiana Tu Casa, near Posadas, Argentina, he and his wife alone have been visiting these villages for the last 15 years. They have no financial support, they purchase seeds and chickens and donate items to them to various villages once a month. They talked about Jesus with the "Caciques" or "Chiefs" of the villages and distributed some material and bibles. Little by little the people are learning about the Lord and accepting him as their personal savior.
-Yovana Bruno