Greater European Mission - Romania
God Never Forgot Them
God is at work in rural Romania. The people living in remote Romanian villages have been largely forgotten by the world and forgotten by their own government. They live in poverty and they don’t have access to medical or dental care (many will never see a doctor or dentist in their lifetime). Through the fall of the Soviet Union and the repeated failings of their government, the people living in these villages have learned to insulate themselves and keep outsiders away. They have effectively closed themselves off from anyone who might share the gospel and its message of hope in Christ.
But God has raised up GEM missionaries to serve in this remote region—to learn the language, to live among the people, and to find ways to break through the walls of mistrust and suspicion that have for so long blocked out hope.
GEM missionaries Kevin and Michelle Weppler, serving in Draganesti-Olt, Romania, had a breakthrough when God gave them a vision for a secondhand store in their community. The store they opened quickly became a bridge for the gospel. Their 5 Romanian employees came to Christ and began sharing their testimonies with their families and neighbours. Now, the store is thriving, with nearly 100 customers a day and lines out the door. People come because they need clothes, but what they find is compassion, love, and hope. They are transformed and they themselves are transforming their community.
Medical and Dental Clinic
The gospel has found a small opening in the barriers around this community, and now the Wepplers need to hear from you to help them widen the breach and tear down the walls completely!
God has given Kevin and Michelle Weppler a vision and a desire to expand the secondhand store into a new building that would include a medical and dental clinic for volunteer traveling doctors and dentists. The nearby hospital was defunded and then closed by the government—leaving people in the village with nothing and nowhere to turn when the young and the elderly are sick or in pain.
We Need You
There is real urgency behind this project. Construction has been started and partially paid for—the Wepplers just need the funds to finish it. Workers are standing by as the weather changes to continue the work and ready the clinic for the public. Please prayerfully consider making a donation today so that the people of Draganesti-Olt, Romania can come to the clinic, receive the care they desperately need, and hear the transformational message of hope in Christ.
GEM is asking that you join the Wepplers in this life-giving ministry of hope. Thank you for your commitment to caring for and sharing the gospel with Romanian people who do not yet know Christ, but who are so dearly loved by their Lord and Saviour.